Module traces_utils

Module gathering various trace-related facilities, notably in link with OTP.


Module gathering various trace-related facilities, notably in link with OTP.

This module should not be mixed up with the trace_utils module from Myriad (note that the names of these modules differ, therefore their BEAM files cannot clash).

Data Types


aggregator_pid() = class_TraceAggregator:aggregator_pid()


bin_file_name() = file_utils:bin_file_name()


look_up_scope() = naming_utils:look_up_scope()


module_name() = basic_utils:module_name()


registration_scope() = naming_utils:registration_scope()


three_digit_version() = basic_utils:three_digit_version()


ustring() = text_utils:ustring()

Function Index

get_aggregator_look_up_scope/0Returns the look-up scope that applies to the trace aggregator in the current context.
get_aggregator_registration_scope/0Returns the registration scope that applies to the trace aggregator in the current context.
get_traces_version/0Returns the version of the Traces library being used.
get_traces_version_string/0Returns the version of the Traces library being used, as a string.
name_trace_file_from/1Names the trace file currently managed by the trace aggregator according to the specified module name.

Function Details


get_aggregator_look_up_scope() -> look_up_scope()

Returns the look-up scope that applies to the trace aggregator in the current context.


get_aggregator_registration_scope() -> registration_scope()

Returns the registration scope that applies to the trace aggregator in the current context.


get_traces_version() -> three_digit_version()

Returns the version of the Traces library being used.


get_traces_version_string() -> ustring()

Returns the version of the Traces library being used, as a string.


name_trace_file_from(ModName::module_name()) -> {bin_file_name(), aggregator_pid()}

Names the trace file currently managed by the trace aggregator according to the specified module name. Returns, if useful, the new trace filename and the PID of the trace aggregator.

Note: the aggregator is supposed to have been launched with the 'later' initial supervision setting, and will be looked-up according to our scope conventions.

Typically useful from an OTP context, where the Traces application is started without being able to defined programatically the resulting trace file.

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