Module traces_sup

Module implementing the root OTP supervisor of Traces.

Behaviours: supervisor.


Module implementing the root OTP supervisor of Traces.

In practice, it will supervise a single process, the one of the (singleton) trace aggregator, through a dedicated supervision bridge, defined in the traces_bridge_sup module.

Refer to the documentation of the supervisor_bridge module for further details.

Data Types


init_arg_list() = [boolean() | registration_scope()]

Actually exactly [TraceSupervisorWanted, AggRegScope].


init_args() = {boolean() | registration_scope()}


registration_scope() = naming_utils:registration_scope()

Function Index

init/1Callback to initialise the Traces supervisor bridge (supervised by this root supervisor), typically in answer to start_link/1 above being executed.
start_link/1Starts and links the Traces root supervisor, creating in turn a proper supervision bridge.

Function Details


init(X1::{boolean() | registration_scope()}) -> {ok, {supervisor:sup_flags(), [supervisor:child_spec()]}}

Callback to initialise the Traces supervisor bridge (supervised by this root supervisor), typically in answer to start_link/1 above being executed.


start_link(TraceInitArgs::init_args()) -> supervisor:startlink_ret()

Starts and links the Traces root supervisor, creating in turn a proper supervision bridge.

Note: typically called by traces_app:start/2, hence generally triggered by the application initialisation.

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