Module traces_bridge_sup

Module implementing the OTP supervisor bridge of Traces, so that the (singleton) trace aggregator is attached to the Traces OTP supervision tree, through the Traces root supervisor, defined in the traces_sup module.

Behaviours: supervisor_bridge.


Module implementing the OTP supervisor bridge of Traces, so that the (singleton) trace aggregator is attached to the Traces OTP supervision tree, through the Traces root supervisor, defined in the traces_sup module.

Data Types


init_args() = traces_sup:init_args()

Function Index

init/1Callback to initialise this supervisor bridge, typically in answer to start_link/1 above being executed.
start_link/2Starts and links the Traces supervision bridge to the trace aggregator.
terminate/2Callback to terminate this supervisor bridge.

Function Details


init(X1::init_args()) -> {ok, pid(), State::term()} | ignore | {error, Error::term()}

Callback to initialise this supervisor bridge, typically in answer to start_link/1 above being executed.


start_link(TraceSupervisorWanted, AggRegScope) -> any()

Starts and links the Traces supervision bridge to the trace aggregator.

Note: typically spawned as a supervised child of the Traces root supervisor (see traces_sup:init/1), hence generally triggered by the application initialisation.

-spec start_link( init_arg_list() ) -> term().


terminate(Reason::shutdown | term(), State::term()) -> void()

Callback to terminate this supervisor bridge.

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